The JAL Group have announced the consolidated financial results for the Period April 1, 2022-March 31,2023.
JAL Group Consolidated results Passenger demand for both international and domestic recovered steadily as the shift toward balancing the COVID-19 pandemic’s prevention and socioeconomic activities gained momentum. The JAL Group flexibly secured its air transportation network both domestically and internationally in accordance with the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, despite a recovery in passenger demand that took longer than expected, we made every effort to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic by working to improve earnings through comprehensive cost-cutting efforts and maximizing sales in the cargo business domain.
As a result of the above, the revenue increased by 101.5% year on year to 1 trillion 375.5 billion yen, the operating expense increased by 43.0 % year on year to 1 trillion 344.6 billion yen, EBIT was a gain of 64.5 billion yen (year on year difference +304.0 billion yen). The profit attributable to owners of the parent was 34.4 billion yen (year on year difference +211.9 billion yen ). For the first time since the fiscal year ended March 2020, the company achieved a full-year consolidated profit..
Although fuel expenses for the current fiscal year increased by 122.3% from the previous fiscal year to 323.3 billion yen due to higher fuel prices and the sharp yen depreciation, we were able to reduce actual fixed costs to 492.5 billion yen, a reduction of 7.5 billion yen from the annual target. In order to respond to the post-pandemic air transport demand, the JAL Group will continue these efforts and fulfil its social mission as a public transport company.
Download the full financial report here: